Accessing Divine Understanding
How can a person get understanding? Who can we classify as the wise?
How can we get to know the mysteries of God that will enable us tap into the virtues and blessings of God and so that we might not be a casualty in this world?
A lot of people do not have a clear knowledge on how to acquire knowledge and understanding; thereby they have missed out of the blessing God have for them.
Going to church or being a casual Christian does not guarantee Divine understanding; you will need to move from the religion to the conscious Christianity; we are looking at the basic key of acquiring divine wisdom.
Divine Understanding is a manifestation of the supernatural wisdom of God in us.
Keys to Accessing divine understanding
v Born Again: mat 18:3. This is a requirement to benefits the dividends of heaven
v Regular Church Service: You need the corporate anointing. God raise pastors to give us knowledge Palm 73:17
v Complete Obedience. Psalm 111:19; psalm 119:100 David understood more than his teachers because of obedience to the princess of God.
v Seeking the Lord. Prov 28:5 A man that desires wisdom must know how to seeking God in fasting and prayers.
v Seek knowledge. Dan 9:2. Be a man that read books, listen to tape
v Discipleship Mat 13:10-11, 51 There is a privilege given to the disciples,
Jesus reveals more mysteries to his disciples.
He reveals deep secret of understanding
v Faith. Heb 11:3, 6 God is able to do ask things. His is willing to give understand. Our part is to have faith.
v Prayer psalm 119:34. He needs to specifically pray for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Learn to pray before reading Bible
v Fasting. Dan 9:3 Daniel ……
v Silence. Avoid gossip, talkativeness. Prov 27:28 Learn to keep quiet.1st Thes 4:17
v Observation. Psalm107:43 learn to observe. Job 13:1 job used his eyes and ears to obtain understanding.
v Patience Prov 14:29. This is a key attribute
Don't be quick to negatively react to every thing
v Service. Psalm 119:125. When you serve the lord, you will understand.
Solomon requested for seen understanding heart in order to use it to serve the people of God.
v Enquiry. Daniel, David all ask certain issues from God to clarify them.
v Holiness Prov 9:10 Knowledge of God brings wisdom. Knowledge of the holy one is understanding. Only the holly people can understands God.
v Wisdom: Jer 9:12. Only three wise can severe divine understanding.
What to Do!
1. Depart from evil
2. Embrace correction.
3. Be determined
4. Stand under God authority based on the power of his word
5. Pray for divine understanding
Prayer Points
1. Father, please fill me with the fullness of the knowledge of God in the name of Jesus
2. Lord of heaven and earth, wisdom and might are yours, please let me be filled with wisdom and might as from today in the name of Jesus (Daniel 2:20).
3. Everlasting father, please fill me with your excellent wisdom in the name of Jesus (Daniel 5:14).
4. Father as I gain wisdom, give me divine retentive memory as well in the name of Jesus.
5. Father! I commit my life into your hand; let the fire of God destroy everything in me that is working against the knowledge and wisdom of God, in the name of Jesus.
6. It is written “Christ is the power of God and wisdom of God” (1Corinthians 1:24). Heavenly Father, please fill me as from today with the fullness of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
7. Almighty, my success is in your hand, please let your excellent spirit of wisdom catapult me to greater height in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 11:2).
8. Father, let your wisdom prevail in every area of my life and business in the name Jesus name.
9. Lord, help me to hear your voice and to make the right decisions at all time in the name Jesus name.
10. Lord, help me carry out my decision-making accurately and profitably.
11. Lord, give me new and creative ideas in the name Jesus name.
12. Father, let the Holy Spirit show me things to come in the business world.
13. Lord, direct me to stop planning and working on any project which will waste our time and energy.
14. Let every spirit causing financial wastage depart from my life and business in the name of Jesus.
Seven Fold Amen with Faith!!!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!
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