Word of the Day: The Most Important Prayer

The Most Important Prayer

Today message is an exposition to see the most potent prayer we can pray.  Thou we might have been praying several prayers that includes intercessory prayers, warfare prayers, deliverance prayers, salvation prayers; these are good, great and wonderful prayers but there is a prayer that we can pray, that overrides all these prayer; with this prayer, we can make heave, we can get our breakthroughs, we can have divine protection from all enemies, It is a prayer that answers all other prayers.

The Most Important Prayer
When you ask anyone what the most important prayer is? When people are given some list of prayers, they often the following on the top of their list:
Ø O Lord, arise and let my enemies be scattered.
Ø Oh Lord, Open my eyes.
Ø Lord, take me to heaven.
Ø Oh Lord, I shall not be wasted.
Ø Lord, crucifies my flesh.
Ø Father; help me to intercede for others.
Ø God, send revival, revive me.

. . . And so on
These are very powerful and effective prayers but they are not the most important prayer.
There is a powerful song being sung as hymn.
1.     I am weak but Thou art strong
Jesus, keep me from all wrong
I'll be satisfied as long
As I walk, dear Lord, close to Thee
Just a closer walk with Thee
Grant it, Jesus, if you please
Daily walking close to Thee
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be
2.     Thru this world of toils and snares
If I falter, Lord, who cares?
Who with me the burden shares?
None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee
3.     When my feeble life is o'er
Time for me will be no more
On that bright eternal shore
I will walk, dear Lord, close to Thee
This song is put at the start of all message tapes from the mountain of fire.
The greatest prayer you can ever pray is for you to have the presence of God

Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore{Psalm 16:11}
"Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me." {Psalm 51:11}
"He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the childrenof Israel." {Psalm 103:7}
God works two major ways; His Ways & His Acts.
Many come to church just because of His acts; because of what he can do for them only.
"And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest."{Exodus 33:14}
The prayer to pursue God Himself is the most important prayer.
This should be the focus of every child of God.
When you focus on God’s Presence; Then
Ø You will Experience God.
Ø He will begin to manifest himself.
The more you spend time with God, the more you will be like Him
It is even dangerous to sleep at night without His presence.
Out of his presence are multitudes of demons; out of which are;
Death ~ Discouragement ~ Despair ~ Destruction ~ Sin ~ Sorrow
Great Question of the Day =>>
Have you lost the presence?
Have you ever had His Presence?
Do you have His presence?

Advantages of His Presence
ü Divine Protection.
ü Answered prayers.
ü Victory.
No demon can have operated successfully in His presence.
Any confine chastisement or punishment is more bearable from being removed from his presence.
Jonah ran away from the presence of God & almost destroyed people in his company.
Paul was able to save condemned people from destruction in a shipwreck just because he carried the presence of God.
There are positive and negative Carrier of His presences
There are some people; they only bring;
Darkness, sorrow, confusion, disaster; they Carry negative & evil presence.
. . . More Advantages of His Presence
ü Stop bothering about enemies like witches and wizard. They don't exist in the presence of God.
ü You become a terror to darkness.
The reason the enemy can attack us successfully is because;
-       We do not have the presence.
-       We have lot the presence.
-       The level of His presence we have is very low.
Key Facts è
You are as closed to God as you personally want to.

How to Increase in His Presence
§  Increase your Bible Reading.
§  Increase your Prayer life.
§  Increase in your vigils.
§  Increase your commitments with the lord.
§  Personal discipline. Padlock eyes, mouth, change your bad dressing; No Pornography.
. . . More Advantages of His Presence
Ø Immeasurable blessings.
Ø Personal contact with God.
Ø Angelic ministration.
Ø Clear divine guarantee.
Ø Divine vision.
Ø Breaking of stubborn yoke.
Ø Large burden lifted.
Ø Experience the rhema of the glory of God, joy and peace
Ø No sorrow can enter in to his presence.
Ø Tragedy not to experience that presence of God.
Ø God writes his laws in our heart.
Ø We receive information & answers from heaven.
Things that chase people from the presence of God
1.    Distractions
The undisciplined mind is the greatest obstacles. Internets, TV, films, phones are part of the greatest distraction. Many get several distractions during quite time.

2.   Lack of intimacy with the holy spirit
 The Holy Spirit is God’s executive representative on earth.

3.    Whole saying prayer
 Many ask God several things at the same time, be more specific with your prayers.
4.   Mechanical praying.
5.   Inability to pray in the spirit
6.   Unholy living: Every unrighteousness drags one away from the presence of God. Many are living in quietly concealed sin; they need to repent to enter into the full presence of God.
Learn to Do the following regularly:
Ø Must have a daily quite time.
Ø Must memorize daily scriptures
Ø Must have hunger for the things of God

There is no distance between you and God, except you create one.
. . . Many aspects of this message have been shortened; Get full Sermon from the CD or book
Prayer Points
1.   Thou presence of the lord, overshadow my life in the name of Jesus.
2.   Every distractions pulling me away from the presence of God die in the name of Jesus name.
3.   Father, draw me into your presence by the Power in the blood of Jesus.
4.   Powers of rising and falling die in the name of Jesus.
5.   Powers assigned to scatter my effort die in the name of Jesus.
. . . More Prayers on the CD
Seven Fold Amen with Faith!!!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!
2015 is your Year of multiple restoration and unparalleled Favor in the name of Jesus


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