Word Of The Day: Help Is On the Way {Pst. Remi Adeyemi}

Culled and revised jottings from a sermon By Pastor Remi Adeyemi of the
Mountain of fire and Miracles Ministries.
Sermon Date: Wednesday, 28th October, 2015
@ MFM Headquarters, Lagos.
Help Is On the Way

A lot of people have tried a Lot, using their intellect, skills and strength to achieve something great; but little of no success has resulted from this. The fastest and easiest way to success is to ask for Help from the Ancient of days; that has never failed and can never fail. I Decree: The Lord will arise and send you help; you will not fail in the name of Jesus.

Help Is On the Way
What do we mean by help?
Help is simply an external force that combines with your inadequate effort to achieve a desired goal.
·      You might have used your strength; but it cannot achieve much; you need that supernatural force, you need that supernatural help.
·      You might have been crying but no solution; you need that force to wipe your tears; you need help.
A lot of people require diverse kinds of help;
ü Some, they need is Financial Help.
ü To Some, it is spiritual Help
ü Some, they need Marital Help
ü To Some, it is Conception Help

Sarah needed help to conceive because Sarah has lost the power to conceive naturally; she was barren until She Received Help to Conceive.
When Do You Need Help?
v When you have Combines several ideas but they have yielded no result; you need help.
v When you have done several fasting and prayer but no result; what you need, is help.
v When you are fighting the powers that is Stronger than you, need help.

I Decree:
Battles that are too strong for you, heaven shall swallow them up in the name of Jesus.
How can you connect divine help?
    1.   You must realize and understand that true help comes from God.
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.{Psalm 121:1}

§  Unless God commands people to help you; no-one can help you
   2.   Rekindle your faith with God.
§  Many have lost faith through their long time challenges.
§  It takes faith; for God to deliver anything to you

   3.   Wage war against anti-help spirit.
§  It is only Your Gabriel that is Unhindered; that can deliver your message to your Daniel.
§  For 21 days Gabriel was withheld to deliver message to Daniel.
§  They are some Powers that are capable of Blocking Blessings.

   4.   Cry our aggressively for help.
§  Make personal supplications to your maker and savior.
§  Hanna cried out in agony and her cry drew the attention of heaven.
§  Bartimeius was not the one with the greatest problem but he was the one with the greatest cry; He therefore received his miracle.

   5.   Make the Faith moves.
§  Put your faith to work.
§  Where you have been rejected before, go back there; someone will be waiting for you.
§  The Door, which you have been refused before shall be open to you.

. . . Many aspects of this message have been shortened; Get full Sermon from the CD or book
Prayer Points
1.   Powers! Against my sitting on the throne of my destiny; die! In the name of Jesus.
2.   Father Lord; Send Help to me by Fire! In the name of Jesus.
3.   Anointing that Pursues helpers away; die in the name of Jesus.
4.   Every Anti-Help Spirit, release me and Die! In the name of Jesus.
5.   O God Arise; and let my helpers locate me! In the name of Jesus.
6.   O God My Father; Help my Cry Today and Help Me in the name of Jesus
7.   By the Power of the Divine Help from God; I move forward by fire; in the name of Jesus.


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