70 Days Fasting & Prayer
The annual 70 days fasting and prayer programme for 2015 will begin on August 3.
70 days fasting and prayer is an annual programme run at all MFM churches worldwide. During this period, members are encouraged to partake in this spiritual exercise and challenge the God of Elijah. Non-members who wish to observe this spiritual exercise are very much welcome.
To effectively participate, you are encouraged to get a copy of the "70 days fasting and prayer" book and follow each day of prayers accordingly.
v The entire programme is broken down into SEVEN sections and each section into TEN days
v You take it one day at a time by reading the assigned scripture, making the confession, reading a designated portion of the bible as you attempt to read the entire bible in 70 days, sing the devotional songs, engage in praise worship, go through the Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving and finally the prayers for the day
v Starting on Monday, August 3 and subsequent Mondays and Fridays, you break your fast at 5 PM; every other day, 2 PM
Theme: Prayers that bring Unparalleled Favour
Aug 3 - Oct 11, 2015
Available at all MFM Regions and Branches; MFM WORLDWIDE
Don’t Miss this Opportunity of being a bundle of Blessings.
REMEMBER: It's not fasting if you only abstain from food without praying the prayers, that's called a hunger strike or another edition of Weight Watchers!
God bless you as you participate in this programme and we look forward to hearing your testimonies.